FCA (Francis Cauffman Architects)

Kimberly Montes

MS Interior Architecture & Design '18

Kimberly Montes

Where are you working?

FCA (Francis Cauffman Architects)

What are some of the rewarding aspects of your occupation and career?

Some of the most rewarding aspects of my career are positively impacting the lives of others, understanding the importance of space and environment and really understanding that interior design and a well-designed space can be for everyone

What would you consider as your greatest achievement in this occupation?

My greatest achievement would be becoming the founder of my nonprofit Youth Design Philly. A design organization that seeks to educate students on design and help students in low-income families gain a well-designed space at no cost to them.

What did you study for your undergraduate degree? Did it inform your choice of Interior Design as a career? Why did you choose this career?

In my undergraduate degree I studied Fine Art, Art History, and Spanish at West Chester University. Having a background in the arts really helped build my passion for designing. While at West Chester I remember wanting to switch my major to Interior Design, sadly West Chester did not offer it, so I pushed myself to become a more detail oriented artist. After graduating and becoming a teacher for 4 or so years I knew that I still wanted a creative field so I did some research and landed at Drexel and it was the best decision I’ve made.

Why did you choose Drexel University’s Westphal College of Media Arts and Design over similar programs?

After graduating during a recession with my undergrad degree, I knew if I was going to go back to school I had to go to the best school. After doing my research, I learned that Drexel design program was rated as one of the highest in the nation. I also chose Drexel because it was an accredited school in Interior Design and it was in my hometown. I was destined to be a dragon.

How did your time at Drexel University’s Westphal College of Media Arts and Design prepare you for your career?

Drexel did a phenomenal job at preparing us for the real world of design.

Was our faculty helpful to you in making the transition to a career in interior design? Are you still in contact with them?

I really appreciate all the professors and jurors that helped to further develop my design skills. I am still in contact with my thesis advisor and a few other professors.